Source code for

utility functions for parsing various generic output tables
of MaxQuant/Perseus
import pandas as pd
from os import path

[docs]def read_rawFilesTable(filename): """parse the 'rawFilesTable.txt' file into a pandas dataframe""" exp = pd.read_table(filename) expected_columns = ['File', 'Exists', 'Size', 'Data format', 'Parameter group', 'Experiment', 'Fraction'] if len(exp.columns) != len(expected_columns) or list(exp.columns) != expected_columns: message = '\n'.join(['The raw files table has the wrong format!', 'It should contain columns:', ', '.join(expected_columns), 'Found columns:', ', '.join(exp.columns)]) raise ValueError(message) exp['Raw file'] = exp['File'].apply(path.basename).apply(path.splitext).str.get(0) return exp